Edition 25 - May 2007

Steps toward legal bases for clay based constructions

¿asos para crear las bases legales de la construcción con  tierraAt the Nicaraguan coast, a round table composed of specialists from various countries intensely debated the following key questions:

  • Is it possible to elaborate norms for clay based constructions which will permit poor people to build or are the demands so high that this building system would be unaffordable?
  • Is it politically viable to achieve approval of such norms in the different countries, and what would the strategy look like to realize it?

Read more: Steps toward legal bases for clay based constructions

Reforestation in Sitio Historico

Reforestación en NicaraguaIn this issue of the EcoSouth website Claudia Wild focues upon the reforestation component of the "Sitio Historico" project, a painstaking endeavor that contributes to maintenance of the natural environment and thereby to the survival of the rural society. 

Read more: Reforestation in Sitio Historico

Gallery of natural building materials

owd_logoThis article was published on www.one-world-design.com and is being reprinted with the authorization of Kelly Lerner, an architect of prestige for her investigation of natural building materials, especially straw bales. In the e-magazine No. 22 we reported on a project in China managed by the author.
Solid, sustainable, and energy efficient are just some of the prolific benefits of natural building. In this Gallery, view some of the key materials used in production of our structures. 

Read more: Gallery of natural building materials

You are here: Home Past editions Edition 25 - May 2007


Marcos MacancheMarcos Macanche
Spanish, some english
Architectural design, project implementation and management, EcoMaterials production


Molino mezclador de lodo para ladrillos
Earth mill for fired clay bricks - electric motor
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