EcoHabitat competition

EcoHabitat competitionToward the end of 2004, the EcoSouth Network opened a competition about the EcoHabitat:”Projects executed and/or architectonic designs with EcoMaterials. Forty-six works were presented and the jury had to plan additional sessions to decided upon the ten finalists. The response was much greater than the organizers could have imagined. Not only the great number of proposals, but also the quality of the work was outstanding. Noteworthy is that all the presentations were in Spanish, even if they were from outside Latin America.

Toward the end of 2004, the EcoSouth Network announced the EcoHabitat competition “Projects executed and/o architectonic designs with EcoMaterials”. Forty-six works had been presented at the time of the deadline and the jury had to plan additional sessions to decide upon the 10 finalists.

The response has been greater that the organizers could imagine. Not only is it the great number of proposals outstanding, but also the high level of quality. Noteworthy is that all presentations were made in the Spanish language, even though they may have been about projects in non-Spanish speaking areas.  

The presentations about works executed provide many good photos that demonstrate the architectonic possibilities with EcoMaterials. The majority of these projects have walls built either of earth or different types of wood, and all works reflect the integration of the culture and natural environment.

The designs “still not constructed” are characterized by the variety of solutions, from the most simple and innovative family dwelling on one plot, to medium scale settlement concepts. It is the architectural variations that stand out in these projects and, in many cases, the philosophy behind the project. Various focused upon the need to proceed with futuristic ideas, but taking into account the culture and natural environment of the place, in order to counteract possible tourism developments as well as commercial urbanizations.

The 10 finalists have been determined and they have been requested to send additional material, with the recommendation that the executed projects provide more photos, and the projects yet to be built concentrate on technologies and materials. Considering that the jury needed additional time to review all presentations, the finalists have until the end of July to present their additional documentation.

The finalists are (with no particular order):

  • Raquel Barrionuevo,  Centro de salud Qotowincho, Perú
  • Roxana Abud, Viviendas de  interés social, Tilcara, Argentina
  • Fabiana Zapata, Habitáculo para pescador, Venezuela
  • César Reyes, Casa para un hombre de maíz, Guatemala
  • Fernando Martín-Consuegra, Francisco Botella y Carlos Higinio Esteban, Casa para madres solteras, Yeredemé, Mali
  • Leandro Chacón, Parque Semillas de Esperanza, Venezuela
  • Yitzy Suárez, Alas para mirar, Venezuela
  • Axel Huhn, Casa de huéspedes, Playa Ventanilla, México
  • Gabriela Polliotto & Fernando Galíndez, Proyecto de vivienda ECOSOL, Argentina.
  • Alejandro Folga,  Vivienda Evolutiva de tierra y madera, Chile

The jury has decided to present part of the work of all the finalists as posters at the EcoMaterials Conference, and in this way honor the high level of quality of all the participants. The winners in the two areas will receive bursaries to attend this conference.

While it is not possible to present examples of the work of the finalists, so as not to influence the final stage of judging, the accompanying photos show some of the high quality presentations not included in the final stage.

You are here: Home Past editions Edition #14, July 2005 EcoHabitat competition


Pedro Seijo
Professor of Civil Engineering
Spanish, English
Teaching, ecomaterials workshop management, research (municipal waste)


EcoMateriales: Teja de MicroConcreto y Paneles de FerroCemento

The EcoSur network presents a short professional video on two major technologies, the Ferrocement panels and the Micro Concrete Roofing Tiles. Filmed in Nicaragua and Salvador, it shows production and application and gives a summary overview of those two materials that have a relatively small ecological footprint and have widely proven to be sustainable in the three classical dimensions ecology, economy and social acceptance.

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