Post-disaster resilence and recovery

Post-disaster resilence and recovery

Some months ago we reported on a seminar in Guatemala, where the local Caritas had invited EcoSur specialists to pass their knowlege on to a group of young professionals who were interested in this ancient technology. Meanwhile the organizers can show real practical results, houses have been built, a promotional video is being circulated, a lobby group for adobe has been organized and a manual for self-builders produced.

You can downoad the "Manual para la construcción de viviendas con adobe" (Spanish only, PDF, 10 Mb)

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Charlotter BelliCharlotte Belli
Social projects feasibility
Project implementation and evaluation


In 2005, SofoNic has started a dual education program for masons in Nicaragua, using its house-building programs as a base. Teaming up with the local technical school in Jinotepe they are graduating about ten masons every year since. Most f them have found jobs in construction or have started a business on their own. SofoNic has contracted several of them as master masons in the reconstruction programs in Haiti.