Edition # 8, November 2004
Slum upgrading sometimes works!
Upgrading slums to become decent neighborhoods is a task that is generally considered impossible. However, an EcoSouth expert visited an area in Nairobi where apparently there has been success. It is clear that the system cannot be easily copied, but at least it shows possible paths. It is said that Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, is the city with most slums in the world, 55% of the population of 2,200,000 lives in these areas.
Quality of design influences other projects
Those human settlements of a social natural with dozens, even hundreds, of identical houses in straight lines are well-known throughout the world. EcoSouth colleagues are struggling to change this situation by introducing variety and creativity in these neighborhoods. An example in Honduras shows how sometimes one experience can influence others.
Swimming against the current
Swimming against the current requires initiative, strength and endurance
but its the right way to go according to a South African architect. A recently completed social housing project in Cape Town demonstrates that alternative implementation strategies can provide jobs and produce cost effective, quality results.
150.000 Cool Tiles in Namibia
In September 2004, Eco Solution CC celebrated the production of the 150,000th cool tile in Namibia with an event attended by local building suppliers, Municipality representatives, another cool tiles producer and two future tile producers, as well as group leaders from the Clay House Project. They learned about the history of MCR tiles in Namibia, saw how tiles were made and quality controlled.
International Conference on Building with Earth
At a recent conference on building with earth in Germany, experts from around the world presented their investigations and work. It was outstanding to see how earth as a construction material has been revived in Germany and to learn that it is possible to open a market for natural materials in a world with a high level of development and perfection. Conference visitors also had the opportunity to visit a house built with earth in 1717.