Edition #3, April 2004

Dare to Share!

Martín Meléndez  

The “Dare to Share” fair held at Swiss Development Cooperation headquarters in Bern at the end of March, attracted more than 125 participants from all over the world in a knowledge sharing endeavor that included workshops, exhibitions, small presentations and bilateral meetings.

Read more: Dare to Share!

Ecomaterials: connecting science and the grassroots

Science plays an increasingly important role in modern society, in an interconnected and globalized world that debates alternatives about growth and how to protect our planet from total destruction. Thus, it is important to diminish the gap between scientific results and their manifestation in a product or service, especially in developing countries that have weak infrastructures and inadequate interface mechanisms between science and practice.

Read more: Ecomaterials: connecting science and the grassroots

Visit to Ceramic Museum in Switzerland

Kurt Rhyner

A group from EcoSouth recently had an opportunity to visit the Ceramic Museum in Switzerland . Historically, bricks and tiles made of burnt clay have been among the principal construction materials in Europe throughout the centuries, and the colleagues were interested in learning about pre-industrial brick production.

Read more: Visit to Ceramic Museum in Switzerland

An Ecovillage in Bangladesh

Kurt Rhyner   

We traveled for about four hours from Dhaka , the capital and mega city (8 Millions of inhabitants) to the east. The main river of the country, which is up to five kilometers wide, we crossed by ferry, which was filled with many buses, trucks and people.

Read more: An Ecovillage in Bangladesh

Planning of Salvadorian seminar about popular housing

The salvadoranian office of the Irish NGO “Trocaire” and EcoSur are organizing, together with various local NGO's, a seminar-workshop around the theme “alternatives for popular housing”. During the past years Central America, and especially El Salvador, has lived through many experiences in house building, many on governmental level, some on the community level, and even the general public has gone through this process. This seminar-workshop seeks to analyse some of these experiences and open up a vision of bringing together the technologies, materials, mechanisms of planning, management and house construction, with emphasis on rural housing. The morning seminar includes international experts on different themes and there will be a debate about the fundamental principal of technologies, materials and forms of management. During the workshop there will be a chance to learn directly how to produce and/or use the materials and systems, and in a second phase learn about some projects and their results through an exhibition of posters.
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Marcos MacancheMarcos Macanche
Spanish, some english
Architectural design, project implementation and management, EcoMaterials production


Teja de MicroConcreto
MicroConcrete Roofing Tile machine
The tevi model TM5 may works with a 12V inverter or with solar panels or a car batery, by itself. A well trained, 2-people team, can produce up to 350 tiles per day
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