When the flow of oil stopped (VI): Housing

Cuando cesó el flujo del petróleo: VI: Vivienda

The shortages had a great impact on the ongoing social housing programs and, as housing is a constitutional right for the Cubans, the government had declared that the housing program would continue to be a priority. The dramatic reduction in availability of materials like cement and steel and the closing of prefabrication prompted a local movement for the production of “low energy consumption materials”.

 The MINFAR (Ministry of the Armed Forces) was the frst sector to react. In 1991 it launched the “option 0” program, which bore in mind the local production of materials, aiming at building houses locally even when there was absolutely no oil or energy available.

Chapter VI: Housing - By Fernando Martirena 6_housing.pdf 1.0 Mb

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Charlotter BelliCharlotte Belli
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