La Esperanza Project Santa Fé de Bogotá D.C, Colombia
Colombia is situated in the northwestern part of South America; it has an area of 1.350.000 km2 and 36 million inhabitants.
The shortfall in the provision of popular housing, which is particularly felt among the low-income population, amounts to 1.8 million units. It constitutes one of the main problems of poor people who, however, are hardly ever offered a legal, technical and economical viable solution. Crear Cooperativa is a financial body concerned with urban but mainly with social development, specialized in the creation of tools that enable target groups to obtain loans, and to start saving programs. It aims to assist low-income families to get their own houses.
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Housing Development Villa Hermosa in Diriamba, Nicaragua
The country Nicaragua is one of the five countries of Central America, located in the tropical area of the Northern Hemisphere, the climate of its southern area being hot-humid. The country has some 130,000 km2with a population of about 4,5 million. Diriamba is a small town 40 kms south of Nicaraguas Capital Managua. Its great advantage is the climate. Located on a hill in the midst of coffee farms, it is much cooler than stuffy hot Managua and, therefore, an attractive place to live, in spite of its rather rural setting.
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Rural School Construction in Southern Nicaragua
After the civil war in 1979, the newly installed government gave education absolute priority. In a country where the vast rural areas had little or no infrastructure, this was a gigantic task. Newly recruited teachers with rudimentary training and hundreds of well-prepared Cuban teachers started the task of educating the rural population, in makeshift shacks erected by the population and even under the shade of trees.
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