Edition 36 - June 2010

Pedals for progress endorses EcoSur Network

Pedals for Progress endorses EcoSur Network to focus the reconstruction efforts for Haiti. In its web page says:
How Can We Help Haiti?
Disaster areas require immediate assistance and, unfortunately, the type of economic development work Pedals for Progress does not lend itself to disaster relief. However, P4P has a long-standing relationship with EcoSur.

 Pedals for Progress had received prizes like the Forbes Enterprise Awards, the Rolex Awards for Enterprise, the Royal Geographic Society award, among others.

Read the full note in the website from Pedals for Progress: www.p4p.org

Haití: Pedales para el Progreso recomienda a Red EcoSur


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Paul Moreno A.
Spanish, English, German
Quality assurance, processes standarization
Chemical / food processes
Communications Officer - EcoSur webmaster
Customer service representative


In 2005, SofoNic has started a dual education program for masons in Nicaragua, using its house-building programs as a base. Teaming up with the local technical school in Jinotepe they are graduating about ten masons every year since. Most f them have found jobs in construction or have started a business on their own. SofoNic has contracted several of them as master masons in the reconstruction programs in Haiti.