When the flow of oil stopped (V): Transport and food supply

When the flow of oil stopped (V): Transport and food supply - Foto MagicOlf - Flickr
During the 1980s Cuba achieved decent levels of mobility, particularly public transportation. A local factory could assemble the so-called “Giron” buses, a bus resting on a chassis of a Russian truck, vehicles that became the backbone of local and medium distance travel.
Long distance transportation, although not perfect, also functioned. However, the shortage of fuel combined with the scarcity of spare parts for the vehicles led to the collapse of this system in the first years of the special period. Thus compelled, the government sought alternatives for short, medium and long distance transportation.

During the 1980s Cuba achieved decent levels of mobility, particularly public transportation. A local factory could assemble the so-called “Giron” buses, a bus resting on a chassis of a Russian truck, vehicles that became the backbone of local and medium distance travel.

Long distance transportation, although not perfect, also functioned. However, the shortage of fuel combined with the scarcity of spare parts for the vehicles led to the collapse of this system in the first years of the special period. Thus compelled, the government sought alternatives for short, medium and long distance transportation.

Chapter V: Transport and food supply - by Fernando Martirena - 5_transport.pdf  

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Víctor Martínez
Civil Engineer
MCR tiles, instruction, quality control, project management.


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